Thursday, February 19, 2009

1 Day... and NOTHING!

So I was planning on going off the terbutaline around 9am, but I actually stopped at 5am... and would you believe it... NOTHING. Not one contraction! And I've been doing laundry, changing sheets, cleaning dishes, dusting, etc. Tomorrow I'll have to do MORE... like go jogging or something! Maybe I'll lift a 42" TV like I did with Keller to break my water!

Last night was a LONG night. I woke up at 1am with the WORST heartburn ever. It made me vomit and I couldn't stop!!! I tried to lay down, but it kept coming back, so I fell asleep in a chair! Around 3am I went back to the couch and just laid there. At 3:33 our doorbell rang! I just froze!!! I didn't know what to do and couldn't move, I was pretty freaked out. After about 30 min I got the courage to go look, and no one was there! I made sure all the doors were locked and went back to the couch. I feel asleep around 5am! I was actually quite excited at being up most of the night since that will be my new schedule soon!

Sorry there is nothing more to report! Today makes me 37 COMPLETED weeks! I never really thought I'd make it this far! I delivered Keller at this point!

I made a really good friend in the hospital, one of the nurses. She has been so amazing. We've kept in touch daily and she called to let me know that she works Saturday and Monday. I really REALLY want her to be my delivery nurse, so she talked to my Dr. and asked if I could be induced Sunday night instead of Monday night (she is off work monday night) and he agreed to it as long as I check in after midnight! So as of now we are planning to check in Triage midnight on Sunday! I'm hoping and praying my mom can be there for the delivery. My Dr. gave the OK for her to be in the O.R. even if I need an emergency c-section! She was there for Keller and Saylor's births, so it would be so great to have her there again!

That is it for now! I'm off to take a nap!

4 comments: said...

Alright girl..maybe they are just comfortable now.. it must have been that couch.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! The end is in sight! I ended up having pitocin after my preterm labor and bedrest - it was frustrating and surprising at first - BUT - happy healthy babies are the goal!!! It is so soon now!

Anne Marie

Anonymous said...

Please, please hang on until Saturday! I'd love to have the twins born on my birthday!
Love, Mom

Andrea said...

I am trying my best mom.... hopefully I'll be in pain on your bday and you'll be celebrating:)