Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10.... the countdown has begun....

I'm pretty sure the MAXIMUM days left is 10!!! I'll find out for sure today as I am heading to the Dr. and then off to another NST (fetal monitoring).

I apologize to anyone that has called... I have been so shakey and jittery and can barely talk or hold the phone (thanks to the WONDERFUL side effects of Terbutaline)..... I haven't felt up to talking on the phone. So no, I'm not screening you!


Anonymous said...

Everyone understands!! Do you get to talk to Keller and Saylor via speaker phone?? I am sure they miss you!!!

Andrea said...

Yes, I do get to talk to them... .but they only last approx. 4-6 seconds! lol. I just can't wait to see them and kiss them!!