Sunday, February 15, 2009

5 days and counting....

I sit here and wonder if I can get through this post without completely breaking down and sobbing. I assure you I can not.

I got a devastating phone call yesterday regarding someone close to me who is pregnant. This incredible woman found out that at 21 weeks her baby no longer has a heartbeat. Many of us have miscarried, but after 16-18 weeks, it's a completely different scenerio. She is now faced with the decision of either an induced natural birth vs. a csection, knowing that this perfect, yet tiny baby will not be coming home with them and joining his/her older sister. No matter how strong a person is, this has got to be one of the most heartbreaking times in a person's life. Without naming them, she and her husband are amazing, godly people. They never cease to bring smiles into any room and are just all around people of character! It is a priveledge to know them! She has been on my heart and mind for 24 hours straight. I ask that anyone reading this (whether you know them or not) will just offer up a prayer for them... I know it would be appreciated. She is being induced tonight and will deliver tonight or tomorrow. It's almost impossible for me to be excited and happy for what may (or may not) come my way this week, knowing that someone dear to me is hurting in an indescribable way! They do know this is God's will and that in time He will heal their pain, but for now the wounds are fresh and wide open!

I am so thankful they believe in God's sovereignty and His will, not ours, for their lives. I know this trial in their life will help them counsel and encourage others who will go through similar situations. We don't always understand the "why's" of things, but God doesn't promise us answers, He wants us to trust Him to know what is best for us.

Please join me in prayer today whenever you think of her. I thank you in advance.

4 comments: said...

I'm so sorry.. I'll definitely be praying.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear...will definately be praying for you and for your friends today. Beth

Andrea said...

Thank you all so much for praying and caring about someone you don't even know...