Thursday, February 12, 2009

8 Days and counting...(and 36 weeks)

I made it through another day!!! Every time I get in the car I think "this is it"... but now I find myself home on the couch once again.

Kingsley drove me down to the Peri appointment today. We got in there and the Dr. started the ultrasound and kept measuring our little girls head. He measured it a few times and kept looking at his charts, so I asked, "is her head big"? and he laughed and said, "Oh andrea, everything on these babies is BIG". I guess they were "off the charts" for size at this age (36 weeks) so he kept rechecking it. He measured everything else, their stomachs, kidneys, femurs, etc... then gave us the results... Our little girl is weighing in at 5.14 and our boy is 6.1!! He said "you basically have (2) 6 lb. babies! He then said it couldn't be a more perfect place to be!!

I asked him if we were able to get one more 3D ultrasound picture, but he said, with their size and age, it's virtually impossible to get a good picture. BUT... both babies cooperated and we ended up getting one last decent shot of them!! I was shocked to see Saylor's lips on her sister... and her chubby cheeks as well. The boy was harder to see, but seems they both are sporting the infamous "ramsey" nose. I got so teary eyed seeing them yawn and move ... just knowing it could be hours to days before I am holding them in my arms. Pregnancy, birth etc.. is just all around amazing in every way!

The car ride home was one of the worst ever. I started cramping and contracting so much that we almost headed right to the hospital. I kept thinking "if only i can get to the magic couch". I think Kingsley was opting for the hospital idea, but I convinced him to bring me home. I'm still contracting, but not every 4-5 min. like I was in the car. I just need to make it through tomorrow so Kingsley can be at the labor!!!

I couldn't be happier knowing their sizes are incredible for this point in pregnancy... now for the fun part... the pushing!!!!

2 comments: said...

Wow. that is so amazing.. :)

I'll pray that tonight you rest soundly and that Kingsley is safe at home before the "fun part".. ha ha.

Pushing is brutal..but girl. . if anyone can do this.. you can!

Andrea said...

I know... the pushing ... can't believe I still have to go through it ... and with 2!!! Part of me can wait forever and the other part wants to get it over with NOW!