Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another day down...

Every day I'm not in labor seems to be a huge accomplishment (though I'm doing NOTHING more than laying on the couch). There is a "theory" that women go into labor around a full moon, and I hear Monday there will be a full moon! I say theory, because there doesn't seem to be any proof of it, but every single nurse I had laughed and said, "well, I am not sure why, but w/o question we are at our busiest time during the full moon!!! Let's pray it's NOT true in my case!

Today was kind of rough on me. I decided to google "effects of terbutaline on fetus" and freaked myself out. I couldn't pull myself away from the computer and just cried most of the day after reading what I did. It doesn't help that I was on magnesium sulfate as well. I know there is a time and place for medicine and if the benefits outweigh the risks etc..... but I hate that I could make a bad decision either way. If I stop taking the medicine I could be putting babies at risk, but if I continue taking them I could put them at risk as well! Thank goodness I believe in God's Sovereignty more than medicine! I put a call into my Dr. and he called me 3 times and did put me at ease. I know the internet is unfiltered, etc etc etc, but I can't help but think "what if there is truth in this and I KNOWINGLY continued the medicine"? Anyway, I think I'll trust my Dr.'s 40+ years experience over me reading a few websites.... besides, if it wasn't safe, he would've been sued by now! LOL... kind of. It's hard being pregnant ... you feel so responsible for their safety and well being.. long before they are brought into the world! Tonight I will think positive and know that no matter what I do or don't do, God's plan for these babies is what will happen regardless of little ole' me. (and some Ben & Jerry's will help me too).

I'm sad that I'll be missing church tomorrow....... thank goodness for podcasts and internet sermons:)


Anonymous said...

Where do you go to church at? You mention that there is a lot of unfiltered stuff on the internet; a good purpose of the internet is that you are getting mass prayers from around the world and you can still enjoy the church services from you couch!!!! said...

Parenting is completely a trust issue isn't it??
We don't get a handbook that tells us exactly what to do in every situation but, your faith is what is getting you through this. You will be stronger for it (that's what you told me once or twice)...:).

Love you and the little ones.

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing while on bedrest this year - googled terbutaline, mag sulfate, steroids.... it about made me crazy! I was on a terbutaline pump for over 2 months with my baby. She went to 36 weeks because of it and is now a very healthy 4 month old. She is not suffering from any effects of terb. or mag sulfate.
It is so nice to know that God is in control, so we don't have to be!