Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Birthday mini!

well I think I am doubting my wonderful plan! My parents arrived with the kids last night and I planned on waking up early and taking a long walk to bring on labor! It sure worked! Kingsley and I hopped in car and arrived at triage around 10:00 and my contractions were 6-7 min apart and getting painful by the minute! The nurse called my dr who said to admit me! It's now 1:15 and they are 2-3 min apart and dr is on his way in to check me! I just got my IV in! So this is it! I am hoping they come before midnight since I haven't gotten my mom a bday gift and shed be thrilled to have 2 babies born on her special day! I am in a lot of pain and am posting to try and keep my mind off of it! Please pray for a smooth and healthy delivery! I will post more as things progress!

And it was like a dream seeing the kids again! I couldn't let go of them! Saylor wouldn't leave my side so she bunked on couch next to me! Keller just kept hugging and kissing us! He and Kingsley were up until 1:00am playing wii! I'm glad we had one night with them before their world got turned upside down with new siblings!


Erin S said...

Congrats!! You will be amazing!

I'll be praying for you and the babies tonight... Happy birth day, Andrea!!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Praying for you...

AM said...
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I'm so excited!!