Tuesday, February 24, 2009

long day

I am sorry if this is all jumbled or repetitive, but i am beyond sleep deprived. Last night Kingsley went down to feed Slade (has spent almost ALL of his time with the little guy in NICU) and said everything looked good and the nurse mentioned him coming to room the next day (today). I was able to go see him shortly after and was able to do kangaroo care (where you hold them skin to skin). It was a sweet moment. This morning I woke up to the photographer wanting to take pictures. I told her Slade was still in NICU, so she went to see when he'd be discharged. One of the nurses told her "he's not going home anytime soon, it will be DAYS... " I kind of freaked out not knowing went wrong during the night. I kept calling for my nurse, but no one came. I can't leave Ramsey alone to go to NICU to check up on Slade, and when I do find a nurse, they "can't" stay b/c they have other patients. I'm like 100 yards from the NICU but yet I can't go down there. They came in to do Ramsey's hearing test and I ran down to NICU. I talked with the NICU Dr. and he said the breathing is NO longer a concern, the grunting has stopped, no infection, etc. Everything checked out perfectly except for the fact that is isn't eating well... actually poorly. They called in a specialist and she got him to eat the needed amount within the time limit. Dr. said if we can get him to do that consistently then he'd discharge him tonight. Of course I can't feed him since I can't leave Ramsey, so Kingsley came in and fed him. The specialist showed him some tricks and they got him to take another large amount. I was beyond excited. I didn't expect them to release him, but he was officially discharged to our room around 8pm! Ramsey and I were discharged today. There has been a problem with insurance covering his circumcision if not done in the hospital, etc. I have been on phone most of the night trying to figure out what they cover and don't... NICU time, etc. So the pediatrician decided the best way to work it out was to discharge me and Ramsey so we don't get charged, but keep Slade here until the morning. Since the hospital wants babies with mom's and does NOT have a nursery, they have no choice but to let us stay in Slade's room with him... So that is the plan. I'm so excited that he is well and is back with us. The prognosis after ALL OF THAT is that he is a boy and boys tend to be more immature in development.... took him longer to "transition" to life outside the uterus. I am so thankful to be here in the hospital instead of being home. I feel he is fragile and if something happens I'd rather be here than at home. Kingsley is coming down to spend the night as well. Having just Ramsey here was easy, but trying to feed, console and change 2 babies diapers at the same time is quite a challenge. We are in for a crazy ride when we get home. I pray I can juggle it all and give Keller and Saylor the time and attention they need as well.

I'm tired and off to bed. Thank you for your prayers, you have NO idea how much they mean to us.


Anonymous said...

The Croy household is praying for Slade!! and all of you. You are all doing amazing...hang in there. You are a lot stronger than you realize. Glad your parents are there to help you during all this craziness too!

Sheryl Croy

SunshineBarlowe.com said...

So glad to know that he is doing well!!

Still praying for a smooth adjustment!