Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a twin thing...

When Slade was in NICU, the nurses were telling us stories of how when twins are separated, then reunited they start getting frantic and reaching for one another... Like they KNEW they were apart. I laughed and thought "oh how cute", but didn't totally believe it. I mean after all, they are only a few days old! Well sure enough as soon as they brought him back to our room and we put them in their bed together, Slade got all wide eyed and frantic and kept reaching for his sister's hand!!!! It had to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. It wasn't random movement, he was honestly excited to be back with her! My Dr. has twin grandkids and was telling me all kinds of similar stories!

So the big question: "How are you managing Andrea?". Believe it or not, we are doing quite well. It's of course an adjustment to life before, but we are slowly figuring it out. My mother has been a HUGE source of support. I haven't had to worry about meals... She just whips up incredible meals from literally nothing. (Kings will miss her the most:). She watches all 4 while I nap in the afternoon because the twins seem to have their nights and days mixed up. They still sleep well at night, but are awake for longer periods of time. BOTH of them have to sleep skin to skin on me... so I am not comfortable sleeping, but when you are that sleep deprived, you can fall asleep in any position. I sleep downstairs in the kids playroom. We have a pull out sofa. I have their pack and play set up, but for the most part, we all bunk together. I know I know, not what you are supposed to do with newborns... but hey, Keller and Saylor did the same thing and they survived! Feeding them is interesting. I try to keep them on the same schedule, but they wake up at the exact same time both rooting frantically! I am breastfeeding Ramsey while trying to get Slade off the bottle. He had to take a bottle in NICU, so he's a little lazy with breastfeeding. I am getting used to feeding one while the other one has to cry it out. I'm getting used to using my hands more efficiently... nursing one standing up and holding pacifier in other's mouth... it's a challenge, but a fun one. We then change diapers, and rock and try and sleep again... Mornings are more difficult as I hear the older 2 kids up and moving and my body just wants NOTHING more than to sleep. I know Keller and Saylor need me more than ever to know they aren't neglected and these new babies haven't sucked the life out of me. Both of them have adjusted well to their new brother and sister. Keller loves his brother and kisses him goodnight and will ask questions, while Saylor mimic's EVERY THING I do from changing diapers to pumping! She is a little mommy in training. She never hesitates to get a diaper or binky, blanket etc... to make one of them happy. She absolutely loves having them here. Neither seem jealous or put out in anyway! So things are good. I haven't even started thinking of how to manage laundry and cleaning yet. I'm sure we'll get it down eventually, but for now, we don't have the spotless home that I so desperately want!!!

That's it for now. My mom is at the park with the older 2, and so I'm going to attempt a short nap.

Goodbye for now..

3 comments: said...

On a whim I decided to come back and check just in case you may have written since I last checked today... and this was the BEST surprise ever. Oh mi gosh, that is the sweetest story I have ever heard!! They are so, so, sweet!

Lula! said...

Sunshine sent me here...and I am so glad she did.

What a blessing...what a precious, beautiful story.


Flo said...

hey Andrea... Sunshine forwarded me your blog. How wonderful to have your babies home! We just had #3 a few days before you delivered your twins. I'll be praying for you and the rest of the family for a smooth and QUICK transition!!