Saturday, January 31, 2009

I AM HOME!!!!!

WOW... I can't believe it. I'm still in shock. The Dr. came in to my room around 3pm and checked my cervix... still 1-2 CM dialated (which is what I was when I checked in almost 2 weeks ago) and 50% effaced. Because I'm not feeling contractions, nor has there been a change in my cervix (thanks to many prayers) he gave the go ahead to discharge me! The nurses were shocked, because he is known as the most conservative Dr. and doesn't ever let ANYONE go... especially given the fact that I have twins!!! I cried immediately and my nurse just hugged me (did I mention how special she was/is?) I of coarse called Kingsley (and my mom) immediately.... Kingsley was in class and was there by 5:15. It gave me time to shower and say my good bye's to everyone! The nurse gave me a mini tour of the O.R. where I will deliver (a little scarier than the nice hotel delivery rooms). It's very sterile and white and COLD. We then went up to NICU to see where the babies would've been 2 weeks ago (or could still go if I deliver)... It was amazing to see how tiny the babies were. We saw one little guy who was born at 1.2 lbs. and is now 3.8! He was so tiny!!!

So the car ride was rough because my uterus hasn't had that much action in quite awhile. We celebrated with OUTBACK steakhouse and now I'm sitting on the couch I've dreamt of for days!!! It's hard seeing the kids toys, and shoes, etc... I miss hearing their sweet voices, but I know this is only temporary!!!

In an earlier post, I wrote if they wanted me on bedrest, they'd have to hospitalize me... LOL... that is exactly what I needed to SLOW down. I will follow Dr. instructions EXACTLY!!!!

Thank you for all your prayers, you have NO idea how much it has meant to me.

day 13

I have a wonderful nurse today which really makes a world of difference!!!! The night nurse woke me up every single hour to find the twins heartbeats! I was so dead tired and frustrated! My nurse today is just wonderful!!! My contractions seem minimal today which is good! If I'm not dialated (dr will check me tonight) and contractions are low there is a small possibility of being discharged!!! I'm surely not getting hopes up... But sure would be nice to wear clothes again and be off all monitors!!! Today I'll get to take my first real shower (by myself)... Something I never thought I'd be this excited over!!!!
Another good thing is I believe I've saved (nurses...ultimately God) the twins over a month of nicu time. If it's true that every day in my belly saves then 2-3 days in nicu then in 13 days we've saved them 26-39 days!!! For that I'm very thankful!!!

day 12

well today was both good and bad. My dr took me off remaining iv and gave me bathroom privledges!!! As soon as he left the room I started contracting again... And a lot!! 3 min to 7 min apart!!! I got so down and discouraged. I contracted throughout the night as well. The dr was here in the middle of the night with 2 labors so the nurse showed him frequency of contractions but apparently since I slept through them he wasn't worried!!!! I still feel do discouraged that I've made it this far and could be stuck here 2.5 more weeks!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

day 11 update

the dr just came in and took me off magnesium sulfate iv! If I do start contracting I'll have to go back on and probably reinsert catheter... So please pray with me they are minimal! His goal is to get me to 37 weeks.. Right now I am 34.2! I am praying my body uses terbutuline oral meds effectively!!!!

day 11 in the joint

today was pretty good! Having the catheter out has been wonderful... No pain!!! The dr has ordered on my charts for nurses to call him if I have more than 4 contractions an hour and I guess I had 6 in hour last night! When the nurse calked he asked if I was sleeping and she said "yes" so he said let it go and not worry about it! I've had a few contractions on and off today... But I only felt one of them! They only seem to be concerned about whether I feel them... Guess those are the ones that will make me dialate.
The babies are great... Little girl seems to always stay on the monitor while they have to chase our little guy down... He's so active and won't stay on the monitor!!! I love feeling him move!
The dr also confirmed the kidney stone I had last month... He believes that is what triggered labor!
I've really been enjoying iTunes today!!! I thank God for Chris tomlin and phil wickham... Both have encouraged me all day!
I am patiently awaiting the dr visit and praying for something positive!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


SO the Dr. didn't lower my mag level on IV, but ordered for the catheter to be taken out. I guess he wants to see how contractions are with minimal activity (bedside commode...LOL). I don't think the nurse has seen anyone so dramatic about a catheter taken out. She was wonderful though and let me squeeze her arm. They tell me it should hurt a few days since I was on it for 10 days. My prayer is that contractions don't start and it has to be reinserted. At that point I'd rather go into labor!!!

Hard to believe my feet will be hitting the floor soon. Kingsley will come tonight and hopefully assist me off bed for the first time in 10 days ...WOO HOO... Party in my room!!!. They better watch out... I may just take off and never come back.... I'm liking the homebirth idea more and more!!!!

Goodnight Mommy

This picture just melts my heart. I've never been away from the kids this long and it's starting to get hard. I miss their faces, their voices, their kisses and hugs. I miss everything about them (yes, even the fighting). My mom sends me pictures at night of them with a little sign... this one had me in tears. Can I just say that my mom IS THE BEST!!!! Not sure what I'd do without her. If you happen to read this (small chance since kids are keeping you busy) I love you so much and thank you with everything that I have!!!

Today was their first day at preschool and I heard they both did really well. Keller was all excited to win some race and Saylor made a little friend. I am just so thankful not to worry about their well being while in here.

The Dr. hasn't come in tonight... but I'm hoping he'll turn down mag or OFF.... though one nurse said she sees contractions come back after the IV is off!!! In that case they have to RE INSERT the catheter and put patient back on MAG... I am going to ask to leave catheter in until we are 100% sure the contractions are at a safe level. Not sure I can endure the reinsertion thing again!!!! Tomorrow starts me into the 35th week... so it's the home stretch. I'm thankful they are both ok and still inside cooking away.

day 10...

Wednesday, day 10!!! Today is exciting because it marks 34 completed weeks... A much better place to deliver than 32.5 when I was admitted here!!! I'm not a fan of all the drugs and medicine but not a big fan of babies with under developed lungs and having to be in nicu for weeks! So today I am thankful for technology and medicine... There is always a time and a place!
Last night my dr came in (it's literally the 60 second moment I wait for all day long) and lowered the magnesium sulfate iv down to 1.5!!! He mentioned (but won't get hopes up since he is ultra conservative) thatif contractions are down there is the possibility of getting off mag and catheter tonight or tomorrow!!! I'd stay and be monitered of course... But the thought of getting catheter out makes me cry!!!! Please keep praying..
The babies are really active... And it's been kind of bonding experience with them these last few days! Nurses get a little frustrated with our little guy.... He's so busy and active it's hard to pick him up on the monitor... While our little girl is much more compliant! I wonder if that will be indicitive of their personalities once they come out?
Keller and saylor both go to preschool for the first time today. I can't wait to see pictures and see how they did! Saylor has been asking for weeks now to go to school so she must be in heaven!!!
That is all I have or an update! Kingsley will be here this morning... I really look forward to seeing him.... It is kind of his fault I'm in this place:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 9

Tuesday, day nine! What can I say? Not much changing... contractions were down yesterday so the Dr. lowered mag to 2.0 gram per hour. I honestly feel like this is some kind of chinese torture or something. One nurse gave me some hope and said that the magnesium in my blood is at a therapeutic level, or almost normal level, which means I have the same magnesium as any other person and that my body is stopping contractions now from the oral terbutaline? Not sure if I worded that right, but if that is the case, I would hope my Dr. would take me completely off the mag and cathether!!! We'll see what happens tonight. I guess I only had 4 contractions last night... and if I don't feel them or sleep through them, they aren't worried about it.

I have blood drawn every 6 hours to figure out magnesium level in body... so in 9 days (4 times a day) that is about 36 (44 if you count times it took a few times to find vein) blood draws... my veins look like I'm a heavy drug addict. They can only prick my right arm since the mag IV is in left arm... the poor nurse last night couldn't get blood for the life of her. I woke up and blood was squirting everywhere!! She eventually got the supervisor who found a good vein in my hand. ON the positive side... I am really getting over my needle phobia!!!!

The kids are doing good. Made it safely to AZ. I talked to them last night and they kept saying "how fun Mimi's house is". I'm afraid they may never want to come home. My mom goes back to work tomorrow. The preschool she works at, is allowing Keller and Saylor to both go while my mom works. I'm just so amazed at the kindness people are showing towards us at this point. I do not even know the owner of the preschool, but she is going out of her way to help us in time of need.

The nurse I had yesterday works tomorrow as well and put in a request to be my nurse. I pray it works out, because the nurses make ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the world!!!!! If it works out.... I'll be getting my hair washed... she is known to be quite talented in doing occupied bed hair washings!! It's the little things that make my day now:)

Monday, January 26, 2009

hospital visit

here are some pictures of when the kids came to visit.....

day 8

I knew today would be a little dismal since the weekend is over, starts a new week, kids are gone, kingsley back at work, still here tied down to a bed, etc.... But I am beyond thankful that the babies are doing well and still cooking. I'll be 34 weeks on Wednesday, so that is my small time goal.

I was weaned down to 2.25 on the mag sulfate last night and had some contractions (they seem to come on more at night). The Dr. had wanted the nurses to call him if there were more than 4 an hour, so I guess the night nurse put in a call. He just said to wait it out and leave the mag where it is. I'm thankful for that because this morning the contractions seem OK. I'm still having maybe 2 an hour, but I don't feel them (which means they aren't dialating me). Everything else is normal... blood pressure, heart rate, catheter output, vitals, etc.... much to be thankful for. I know things could be worse!!!

Here is a picture that my mom sent me that just made my day. Apparently saylor asked Keller to do her hair and he did with no objection. It's so cute to see them together. What I'd give to chase them around and tickle them and hear them laugh (or even fight) right now.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 7 down... REALLY???

Can it be 7 days?

Today was by far the best day since being admitted! My morning started out with my favorite nurse, "SS" bringing me in a super yummy blueberry sconce. I'm now addicted to them. She came in with a smile and had me laughing in minutes. Physically things are tough on a mental and physical level, but I'm just amazed with the out pour of people encouraging me via facebook, email, text or this blog. I read every comment and thank the Lord for the hands and heart that wrote each one. Thank you for caring about me, and the twins well being. Speaking of twins, they are well. Our little guy is just as active as can be and is frustrating many of nurses because they can't find his heartbeat and keep it on the monitor. He's running around 125 consistantly. Our little girl is much more docile and is content to lay still with monitor on and is in the 145-150 range. My blood pressure has been on the low side due to the magnesiaum sulfate IV drip, but not too dangererously low. They still check my reflexes and vitals to make sure I'm doing OK. The goal is to keep a certain amount of magnesium in my body to relax the muscles (primarily uterus) to keep from contracting. Too much would make me toxic, so that is the goal. Today I registered at having 5,0 in blood, which I guess is a good number to be at. So we've got the science down on that one.

After Church, Kingsley drove down to recreate a date in the room with a movie. He didn't know when he got here that he was solicited for some help in the cleaning area. He didn't bat an eye, but put on the gloves and shaved BOTH legs for me. I felt so helpless and he was so efficient to do a good job. I didn't even know how much if menat to me until i got under the sheets and felt so clean. He helped me brush teeth, etc.... he had great bedside manner and was loving (but I think secretly disgusted as well:)

Last night I had some minor dry heaving and nausea, which went away fast... but mixed with some contractions I was so worried my Dr. wouldn't turn down the mag IV. Thankfully (and I know from so many praying) the contractions did go down during the day and he lowered the mag drip AGAIN to 2.25. I know it's low, but at this point it's a hope in the right direction! I was quite excited. I have had a few more contractions tonight... nothing that would warrant a phone call into the Dr.

Tonight there are still a few more contractions.... but I don't think enough to call Dr. I just PRAY PRAY PRAY they lessen to the point I can get the IV and catheter out... so I can walk and regain some energy for WHAT IS REALLY TO COME!!! I belive babies are both head down.... but at this point... they can cut me open and I won' t care:)

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I just wanted to thank those who encourage me with comments, emails, just prayers.... you have no idea how they have impacted me at this time. Again I know that life isnt' resolved aroudn me and my family, kids, lives births, but I'm thankful for a forum where I can say thank you for being my friends.... people that impact my life continuously. I love you all.

Day 6...

It's still hard for me to believe I am here!!! I am thankful that my little babies are inside cooking away, but never did I expect to be in bed unable to move for a week (or more). I'm so thankful for all the nurses and staff here though. They are so compassionate and caring and make this difficult trial more bearable!!!

So the update. Day 6. The Dr. came in and saw that my contractions were down, so he lowered the mag to 2.5!! I know it's not much, but it's SOMETHING!!! It's one step closer to getting catheter out and IV out so that I can atleast walk and move again!!! Today was probably the BEST day I've had here yet, simply because God brought in a nurse that will forever have a special place in my heart! She is the mother of triplets (saylor's age, and a 17 month old baby) and is a Christian. After talking about mutual friends, she may be visiting our church. We even have the same pediatric opthamologist. God knew I needed a special person on Saturday, and he sent her. She has such a caring and compassionate heart. Every time she walks through the door I get excited because she makes me laugh or smile in some way. We realized we actually met over 5 years ago when I sat in on a friend's labor and she was the nurse at the time! We've shared more intimate moments than most friends would in a lifetime (bed pans, sponge baths, emptying catheter, etc....) She even sat down and prayed with/for me. Words can't express my gratitude. I couldn't be more thankful for the day or what God has blessed me with today. She truly TRULY was an answer to many of your prayers. Making the friendship really does makes the ENTIRE stay here worthwhile (catheter and all). SS... if you are reading this... thank you, I appreciate you more than you will ever know!

Kingsley also brought the kids by today. Mom and dad came too. It was so fun to see them all. The kids were still a little nervous with all the machines and mommy laying down half dead in bed. They both atleast hugged and kissed me. They made me little crafts (with mimi's help) which I proudly display by my TV. It was the last time I'll see them before the twins arrive, so it was a bittersweet visit. I know they are in good hands and are well taken care of, but it's so hard for me not to see them everyday.

I started having contractions when everyone was here and so they left. I then got nauseated and dry heaved a little. The contractions came and went and I just prayed they would go away. They did minimize .... so I'm praying when I see the Dr. tomorrow he'll still drop the mag down to 2.25!!! Thank you for caring and for praying for us. I'm so blessed to have such a big family and network of friends who care. I love you all.

Friday, January 23, 2009

day 5

Waking up today was hard because I thought "no no no I can't still be here... Not another day of this".. But here I am! God provided what I needed at that moment... The newborn baby cried from next door! It brought tears to my eyes and I thought "ok I can do this one more day"!
I had no contractions all night but the oral terblatine speeds up the heart and kept me awake most of the night! I awoke this morning and had my catheter leaking... Or so I thought! My nurse checked it with the nitro strips and it turned bright blue (which usually means amniotic fluid!) she called the dr right away... After surgery he came up and did an ultrasound. There appears to be plenty of fluid around both babies... He did an internal with nitro stick and it came back yellow... No fluid!!! Answer to prayer! It could be the position of babies heads pushing down on the catheter causing it to leak! Who knows? All I can say is that the spongebaths were wonderful when compared to laying in your own urine constantly!!!! LOL!!! The nurses are great... But reality is I'll have to deal with it!!! After seeing all is well and contractions were down he lowered my mag drop from 3.0 to 2.75! Not much but I'll take it!!! Please pray contractions don't start up again!
That is the news of the day! My incredibly wonderful mother has been so busy keeping house and caring fir Keller and saylor! She never ceases to amaze me and has such a caring and helpful spirit! I can't imagine what I'd do without her right now!!!
I am looking forward to lunch! I have a whole new appreciation and compassion for people in the hospital tied down.... Maybe it'll be my ministry once I get out of here!

day 4

well I am a bit drugged up but will try to give an attempt on an update! This morning my contractions were back around 7-8 minutes apart! It was frustrating and we have so many people praying over these little ones! We did taper off on contractions to a point our dr was content with so he said next we we start oral ternulitane! We'd keep me on those for 48 hours before weaning mag levels down! Our hope is my body got it's rest and can function without the mag! Worst case is my body is dependent on it and I could be here in hospital another 4. Week!
Kids are good! The came to visit me and we amazed by it all! I think of them constantnly and how amazing it is of my mom to bend over backwards to help us!!! Kingsley thinks she is a superwoman! I do too!!

I'm too out of it to remember anything else... A few very unpleasant sponge baths.... And other things I won't mention! All all blew have great nurses here!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leaving for the Hospital

Here are a few pictures my mom took before I left for the hospital. I figured I'd be back that night, but she had a gut feeling I would be in for the long haul.... why is it that mom's are always right????? Anyway, I was having a contraction in one picture.... then needed some help getting up in another. I look at the pictures and think "what I'd do to be sitting on that couch again"... someday...

My mom just stopped in with the kids and it brightened my day. To hear them fight over my jello was music to my ears. My always helpful mother got my computer all hooked up so I don't have to use my cell to get on the blog and online. It was so good to see the kids. I miss them so very much. Both were apprehensive but intrigued by all the medical equipment. I explained every tube, needle, monitor, catheter, etc.... I may have little Dr.'s on my hands:) I'm glad they weren't too scared to hug and kiss on me. I think Kingsley is more scared to kiss on me at this point:)

Thanks again to everyone who is remembering us in their prayers. I know everyone has trials in their lives and this trial is so minimal to others, but I thank you for you support and prayers. God has been so good to us, and we are blessed beyond measure.

day 3

well today has been quite an adventure so far! I had my first ever sponge bath! It was quite awkward and humbling to say the least! And it didn't help to have 2 young beautiful nurses!!
Let's see... Update: I was able to sleep 4-5 hours with a forced sleeping pill. I did wake up every hour due to 30 min checks for fluid around lungs... Drawing blood finding babies hb etc! It. Last night one of my closest friends stopped by with her 2 girls and of was such a treat! Took my mind off watching the clock...Got to laugh and be entertained by the kids! Then kingsley cancelled his night clients to come sit with me which meant so much! We had a mini date (with many interruptions)... He rented a movie and brought me a protein shake (liquids only diet). It was nice having him here and go through this process as a team! And of coarse all the nurses loved him! Keep telling me that I found a good one! I'd have to agree!

Medical stuff: I am still on highest level of magnesium sulfate drip 3.0/ hour and it does seem to be working ( or maybe it's everyone praying)! My contractions last night were 17-19 min apart and today at noon they have been 30 min apart! My dr doesn't want to check cervix bc it is soft and could really start active labor! The magnesium accumalating in my body is at a high but safe level... 6.1!!!!! It was 4... Then 5.5 then 6.1....6.2....6.1 again! If it gets between 7-8 they gave no choice but to decrease my mag drip for my own safety! That will be the true test on whether my body is dependent on mag drip to keep contractions minimal or if my body has adjusted and can maintain little contractions without help from drip! So things are good for now! Babies are active with good hb... The drip hasn't effected them much! The catheter is still in issue but they can't make it any more comfortable because our little girl likes to push on it with her head! Her first toy!!!
I am beyond blessed to have my mother here to take care of Keller and saylor ( and Kingsley) ! Kids adore her and Kingsley mentioned he's never seen our house so CLEAN!!! LOL... she is truly an amazing help and HUGE blessing to us at this time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 2 in hospital update

first of all... Thank goodness for technology! It has kept me sane in the last 24 hours!!!

So Sunday night Kingsley and I head out on a date... I had a major migraine and swelling! I woke up Monday feeling feverish and nauseated! I ate a piece of toast but vomitted most of the morning! I had dr appt ties morning but decided to call him anyway! He said to cone in today (Monday) instead of Tuesday. Kingsley and I head down to the hospital. I started feeling contractions on the way down! We got here at 3:00 but waited 90 min! By that time contractions were every 5 min! They were hurting so we told front desk lady we were heading over to labor and delivery! We get signed into triage and they monitored me and contractions were every 3 min! Dr immediately odered a shot of tribulatine (sp?) to stop labor... But it didn't work so they administered another shot... Still didn't work. Dr came in to check me and I was 50% effaced and 2 cm dialated. He wanted to admit me and start a magnesium sulfate drip right away! At 9pm we started with 2.0 mg an hour but contractions were 6 min apart... So at 2am they upped I'd to 2.5...but still only held contractions to 8 min apart! 3.0mg hour is highest dr wants to go since I'd can make me extremely toxic! I am on 3 now with contractions 12 min apart! The mag drip relaxes every muscle in body and makes toy nauseated and feverish! It has started to lower my blood pressure as well (80/41) the babies heart rates are dripping as well. They had to insert a catheter 4 times) to regulate urine output from drip! That hurt worse than almost anything I've ever experienced! It's still not in right and is an unbearable pain! They come in every two hours to drawblood to check magnesium in my system... 6 is limit and my last result was 5.5. The dr also came in this morning to discuss dangers to babies and me. If born now they will be in nicu fir 6 weeks with iv and feeding tubes! He then ordered 2 steroid shots of beta methazone to boost their lungs by a week. It hurt bad but not nearly what the catheter pain is like ( like kidney stones nonstop). I'll get two more of those shots tomorrow! I am on liquids only due to nausea from mag drip! The nurse comes in every 30 min to check fluid around my lungs and reflexes! This has been quite an ordeal! Thank you to everyone who has supported, prayed for and encouraged me. This is a very difficult time physically, mentally and emitionally.

Monday, January 19, 2009

IN LABOR... Day 1 in hospital

well I figured I had time to update blog since I am sitting in triage in full labor! I came in for a dr. Appt since ive been contracting and vomitting this morning! As I was sitting in dr waiting room the contractions seemed more painful and regular. Kingsley and I walked over to triage where they hooked me up to 3 different machines! My blood pressure was very good... 102/51! Bad part is that contractions were/are 2 minutes apart... Way too close so they just gave me a shot of terblatine to stop labor! I am waiting for dr to come in and check cervix... Then I will get another shot! Babies both really active. Her hb is 155 and his is 140-145. I'll keep blog posted.... There was mention of giving me another gigantic shot in the tush to boost babies lungs! I have anxiety over the thought of that!
Nurse came in and contractions after shot are 6-7 min apart!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baby Shower.

Well yesterday was a fun filled day. We picked up Mimi from the airport and headed over to our friend's house for the twin's baby shower. We had such a great time! The day was just perfect and I appreciate everyone who came and who were so generous to me (and our family). I am especially grateful to WK and MB who hosted the shower. They did an incredible job with the decorations, food and games. I feel so blessed to have them dote on me in the way that they did! Thank you for your time, and your friendship.

Here are a few pictures.... most came out I am extremely swollen and not so photogenic:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Crib

Here is my new project. I bought another crib for when the twins turn 6 months and putting it together is quite a challenge (missing instructions)! I like it better than the other crib I have so I'm excited to get it put together!

Peri Appointment update

When the Dr. turned on the ultrasound, I was quite shocked with how BIG my little babies looked! I couldn't believe how much they've grown! They BOTH weighed in at a whopping 4.0 each! From here on they should gain 1/2 lb a week, hopefully putting them near 6 lbs at delivery! They both had heartbeats right around 140! Neither were being too photogenic, so I don't have any pictures to post. The only big difference was that our little girl flipped once again and is back to the breech position. Most likely he'll stay head down (which is still positive for natural delivery). My peri asked me if I had been in L&D for preterm labor (which I haven't) so he said there is a really good chance I'll go the 37 weeks! I asked about the contractions and spotting and he said in a normal single pregnancy it would raise an eyebrow and need to be checked out, but with twins it's actually common! That took a HUGE burden off of me. He said it's due to my cervix being more vascular, more blood circulation in body and uterus being so stretched out. Just told me to sit and rest when I feel it happening! Once again, it was a wonderful visit. I go see my regular OB on tuesday to find out if there is any uterine activity going on (dialated, effaced, short cervix, etc).

This weekend is also very exciting because a few good friends are throwing me a baby shower! I didn't expect one with this pregnancy since I already have had 2 kids and have had a boy and a girl. I was so excited (though I don't like being in the spot light:) at their generosity! My mom is flying in this weekend as well and will be able to come to the shower, visit our church AND go to my Dr. appointment with me! Now if I can just get my house cleaned, I'll be good to go!

I hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful weekend as well. I'll post more belly pics later.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Park Time

Saylor and I decided to try out a new park while Keller was in speech class. She had a ball and was quite the little climber! It was nice to spend some one on one time with her! She has such a sweet disposition and is such an easy going little girl.

On the pregnancy side of things.... I have been having a lot ... A LOT of lower back pain in the last few days (coupled with painful contractions). It doesn't seem related to extra weight in the front, but more like labor pains. Kingsley and I keep going back and forth whether I should go into labor and delivery, but I have a peri appointment tomorrow, so I keep deciding to hold off. My contractions aren't coming as often, but I do feel a few every day, especially at night. It's odd for me since I never felt any with Keller (until I was IN HOSPITAL and pushing). My water broke at home with him which then prompted me to go into the hospital. I went in with Saylor because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, and found out I was already in labor when I got to the hospital. I've never had contractions at home! I'm trying to be aware of my body and labor symptoms since my Dr. mentioned twin labors progressing fast AND the fact that our hospital is 45 min. away (WITHOUT TRAFFIC)... with traffic it could take 2 hours! I think I need to prepare a "labor kit" for Kingsley in case I deliver in the car:)

I'll have more to update tomorrow night.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Fat babies

Here is a possibility of what the twins may look like.... this is Keller and Saylor at birth! Some FAT little babies!!!

Big Scare...

Well I think yesterday scared me enough into bed rest for the next 4 weeks. We got up early and had family breakfast (family meals seem to be unusual in our household ... sad I know, but it was a special treat), then headed to church. After that we ran a few errands and went out to a late lunch. During lunch I had a few contractions that I just chalked up as braxton hicks (pre-mature labor contractions... body getting ready for the real thing). Towards the end of lunch I had 2 really painful contractions... one's I had to do lamaze breathing through! BUT.... they were only 16 minutes apart, so no worries. We then headed to the mall (I stayed in the car). In the car I had a few more contractions that were hurting... but again, about 20 min apart. I called Kingsley and he came out and we headed home. I was kind of prepared to head down to labor and delivery at that point. I know they weren't close, but they were not BH contractions and I was afraid of labor happening quickly. I texted another pregnant friend of mine who encouraged me just to drink water and lay on my left side. That is EXACTLY what I did ALL NIGHT LONG. After we got home, I laid down and everything went away. I think I just over did it yesterday with a lot of running around (and not wise in heels!). I realize now that the Dr. was right in encouraging me to stay off my feet, so that is what I will be doing. My house may be a mess (kids as well), but it's only a few weeks.....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

40 days left.

Time is flying by now. I can't believe I have a max of 40 days left! I caught this picture the other day when I was sitting down and felt our little girls bottom protrude out of my left side. I tried to catch a picture of it, but she moved. You can still see a little outline of her body here though.

Things are going well. I have less and less energy by the day, but I'm thankful to have them inside cooking away.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dr. Update

All went well today at my OB appointment. My blood pressure was good, weight was good (considering Christmas and New Year's:).... and both babies had good heartbeats between 140-150. The Dr. confirmed that I did indeed pass a rather large kidney stone! He's sending it in to the lab to find out exactly what type it was. There may be one or two left that I need to get rid of (not looking forward to that). Being pregnant taxes your entire system, especially the kidney's, so he wasn't too surprised with it all.

Our little boy is still head down at this point, but he wasn't sure about our little girl. All we need is for him to be down, so that was good news. The Dr. mentioned that from 31 weeks on (which is Thursday) every single day puts me at higher and higher risk for pre-term labor. Part of that is my uterus is being stretched beyond it's limits and the placenta's are beginning to mature quickly and may stop doing their job soon! I asked why I can't go past 37 weeks and he said, "Nothing good, only complications arise after 37 weeks". Same reasons why Dr.'s don't like you going past 40 weeks with a singleton. He really enforced the importance of staying off my feet and staying "stress-free". Not sure either of those will work for me at this point... BUT I will "TRY". From here on out I'll see either my Peri or OB every week for internal check ups (Now that is REALLY something fun to look forward to!!).

I didn't check to see if the hospital has wi-fi, but I'm hoping to keep this blog updated during delivery (except when I have to push)....

That is all for now.
Have a great night....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The right place at the right time!

If there was ONE thing I needed most for the twins arrival home, I would've said "a pack and play with bassinet!" If I have a C-section, I'll be sleeping downstairs and they will be with me. I've been looking around at some different ones, and came across the one I wanted. (the one pictured but in blue/brown). I knew it was expensive (close to $200) so I've been keeping my eye on craigslist and ebay. Well today I was at Toysrus killing time waiting for Kingsley (and letting the kids covet), and I look over and see the bassinet I wanted on display, but it was in pink/brown. I went over to check out the features and just loved it. It's exactly what I wanted and more.... except the price! I looked down at the sku and it said $7.90! Well of course I knew it was a mistake and almost walked away... but then thought "hmmm, what if???" So I stopped at the desk and asked the lady working there what the deal was. She simply said "We've marked down our displays to make more room for inventory". SO I asked again to make sure my pregnant brain wasn't missing something. She laughed and said, "Yes, it is indeed $7.90". I almost died. I knew it was just me being at the right place at the right time. I immediately thanked God for putting me there at that moment... I know it wasn't a mistake that I stumbled across it. I guess we'll tithe twice as much tomorrow:)