Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 6...

It's still hard for me to believe I am here!!! I am thankful that my little babies are inside cooking away, but never did I expect to be in bed unable to move for a week (or more). I'm so thankful for all the nurses and staff here though. They are so compassionate and caring and make this difficult trial more bearable!!!

So the update. Day 6. The Dr. came in and saw that my contractions were down, so he lowered the mag to 2.5!! I know it's not much, but it's SOMETHING!!! It's one step closer to getting catheter out and IV out so that I can atleast walk and move again!!! Today was probably the BEST day I've had here yet, simply because God brought in a nurse that will forever have a special place in my heart! She is the mother of triplets (saylor's age, and a 17 month old baby) and is a Christian. After talking about mutual friends, she may be visiting our church. We even have the same pediatric opthamologist. God knew I needed a special person on Saturday, and he sent her. She has such a caring and compassionate heart. Every time she walks through the door I get excited because she makes me laugh or smile in some way. We realized we actually met over 5 years ago when I sat in on a friend's labor and she was the nurse at the time! We've shared more intimate moments than most friends would in a lifetime (bed pans, sponge baths, emptying catheter, etc....) She even sat down and prayed with/for me. Words can't express my gratitude. I couldn't be more thankful for the day or what God has blessed me with today. She truly TRULY was an answer to many of your prayers. Making the friendship really does makes the ENTIRE stay here worthwhile (catheter and all). SS... if you are reading this... thank you, I appreciate you more than you will ever know!

Kingsley also brought the kids by today. Mom and dad came too. It was so fun to see them all. The kids were still a little nervous with all the machines and mommy laying down half dead in bed. They both atleast hugged and kissed me. They made me little crafts (with mimi's help) which I proudly display by my TV. It was the last time I'll see them before the twins arrive, so it was a bittersweet visit. I know they are in good hands and are well taken care of, but it's so hard for me not to see them everyday.

I started having contractions when everyone was here and so they left. I then got nauseated and dry heaved a little. The contractions came and went and I just prayed they would go away. They did minimize .... so I'm praying when I see the Dr. tomorrow he'll still drop the mag down to 2.25!!! Thank you for caring and for praying for us. I'm so blessed to have such a big family and network of friends who care. I love you all.


Unknown said...

thinking about you, your big laugh, and contagious smile!

and praying too !

Andrea said...

thanks sunny.... i love you. this has been a good trial for me.... but not wanting to do it again soon (or longer).... you are awesome. How did i get so blessed with a friend like you???? Oh yeah. it was that frog!

Anonymous said...

This is making me cry for you today! God is so faithful!

Unknown said...

The FROG. I can't believe I forgot.. we were bonded by a frog!! :)

too funny.