Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 7 down... REALLY???

Can it be 7 days?

Today was by far the best day since being admitted! My morning started out with my favorite nurse, "SS" bringing me in a super yummy blueberry sconce. I'm now addicted to them. She came in with a smile and had me laughing in minutes. Physically things are tough on a mental and physical level, but I'm just amazed with the out pour of people encouraging me via facebook, email, text or this blog. I read every comment and thank the Lord for the hands and heart that wrote each one. Thank you for caring about me, and the twins well being. Speaking of twins, they are well. Our little guy is just as active as can be and is frustrating many of nurses because they can't find his heartbeat and keep it on the monitor. He's running around 125 consistantly. Our little girl is much more docile and is content to lay still with monitor on and is in the 145-150 range. My blood pressure has been on the low side due to the magnesiaum sulfate IV drip, but not too dangererously low. They still check my reflexes and vitals to make sure I'm doing OK. The goal is to keep a certain amount of magnesium in my body to relax the muscles (primarily uterus) to keep from contracting. Too much would make me toxic, so that is the goal. Today I registered at having 5,0 in blood, which I guess is a good number to be at. So we've got the science down on that one.

After Church, Kingsley drove down to recreate a date in the room with a movie. He didn't know when he got here that he was solicited for some help in the cleaning area. He didn't bat an eye, but put on the gloves and shaved BOTH legs for me. I felt so helpless and he was so efficient to do a good job. I didn't even know how much if menat to me until i got under the sheets and felt so clean. He helped me brush teeth, etc.... he had great bedside manner and was loving (but I think secretly disgusted as well:)

Last night I had some minor dry heaving and nausea, which went away fast... but mixed with some contractions I was so worried my Dr. wouldn't turn down the mag IV. Thankfully (and I know from so many praying) the contractions did go down during the day and he lowered the mag drip AGAIN to 2.25. I know it's low, but at this point it's a hope in the right direction! I was quite excited. I have had a few more contractions tonight... nothing that would warrant a phone call into the Dr.

Tonight there are still a few more contractions.... but I don't think enough to call Dr. I just PRAY PRAY PRAY they lessen to the point I can get the IV and catheter out... so I can walk and regain some energy for WHAT IS REALLY TO COME!!! I belive babies are both head down.... but at this point... they can cut me open and I won' t care:)

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I just wanted to thank those who encourage me with comments, emails, just prayers.... you have no idea how they have impacted me at this time. Again I know that life isnt' resolved aroudn me and my family, kids, lives births, but I'm thankful for a forum where I can say thank you for being my friends.... people that impact my life continuously. I love you all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie, It's Beth! I just wanted you to know that all of Grace Baptist Church was here at my house yesterday and they are all seriously praying for you. I was happy that so many of them asked me for an update because I know that means they truly love you and are taking you to the Lord all the time.
We are happy to hear the good reports and how our Father is showing you His faithfulness even in His gracious way.
I think you are going to have a new ministry after this... oh but there is so much more to come! I look forward to see how He uses these moments and the ones to come to mold His daughter into His image.
Love you so very much!

Andrea said...

beth.... Thank you!!!! Your comment just lifted my spirits and encouraged me!!!! I'm so thankful for you and our friendship! Please thank everyone fir praying and fir caring! I've been so blessed! Love you

Anonymous said...

Praying for you girl!
Since you have internet access, i thought you might like to enter the fun: here is the link to the Bloggy Giveaway:
Hope we win some good stuff!
Love ya!
Patricia Crew

Unknown said...

Tell 'Big Boy' that he gets some MAJOR points for shaving your legs...
