Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dr. Update

All went well today at my OB appointment. My blood pressure was good, weight was good (considering Christmas and New Year's:).... and both babies had good heartbeats between 140-150. The Dr. confirmed that I did indeed pass a rather large kidney stone! He's sending it in to the lab to find out exactly what type it was. There may be one or two left that I need to get rid of (not looking forward to that). Being pregnant taxes your entire system, especially the kidney's, so he wasn't too surprised with it all.

Our little boy is still head down at this point, but he wasn't sure about our little girl. All we need is for him to be down, so that was good news. The Dr. mentioned that from 31 weeks on (which is Thursday) every single day puts me at higher and higher risk for pre-term labor. Part of that is my uterus is being stretched beyond it's limits and the placenta's are beginning to mature quickly and may stop doing their job soon! I asked why I can't go past 37 weeks and he said, "Nothing good, only complications arise after 37 weeks". Same reasons why Dr.'s don't like you going past 40 weeks with a singleton. He really enforced the importance of staying off my feet and staying "stress-free". Not sure either of those will work for me at this point... BUT I will "TRY". From here on out I'll see either my Peri or OB every week for internal check ups (Now that is REALLY something fun to look forward to!!).

I didn't check to see if the hospital has wi-fi, but I'm hoping to keep this blog updated during delivery (except when I have to push)....

That is all for now.
Have a great night....

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