Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Park Time

Saylor and I decided to try out a new park while Keller was in speech class. She had a ball and was quite the little climber! It was nice to spend some one on one time with her! She has such a sweet disposition and is such an easy going little girl.

On the pregnancy side of things.... I have been having a lot ... A LOT of lower back pain in the last few days (coupled with painful contractions). It doesn't seem related to extra weight in the front, but more like labor pains. Kingsley and I keep going back and forth whether I should go into labor and delivery, but I have a peri appointment tomorrow, so I keep deciding to hold off. My contractions aren't coming as often, but I do feel a few every day, especially at night. It's odd for me since I never felt any with Keller (until I was IN HOSPITAL and pushing). My water broke at home with him which then prompted me to go into the hospital. I went in with Saylor because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, and found out I was already in labor when I got to the hospital. I've never had contractions at home! I'm trying to be aware of my body and labor symptoms since my Dr. mentioned twin labors progressing fast AND the fact that our hospital is 45 min. away (WITHOUT TRAFFIC)... with traffic it could take 2 hours! I think I need to prepare a "labor kit" for Kingsley in case I deliver in the car:)

I'll have more to update tomorrow night.


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