Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 9

Tuesday, day nine! What can I say? Not much changing... contractions were down yesterday so the Dr. lowered mag to 2.0 gram per hour. I honestly feel like this is some kind of chinese torture or something. One nurse gave me some hope and said that the magnesium in my blood is at a therapeutic level, or almost normal level, which means I have the same magnesium as any other person and that my body is stopping contractions now from the oral terbutaline? Not sure if I worded that right, but if that is the case, I would hope my Dr. would take me completely off the mag and cathether!!! We'll see what happens tonight. I guess I only had 4 contractions last night... and if I don't feel them or sleep through them, they aren't worried about it.

I have blood drawn every 6 hours to figure out magnesium level in body... so in 9 days (4 times a day) that is about 36 (44 if you count times it took a few times to find vein) blood draws... my veins look like I'm a heavy drug addict. They can only prick my right arm since the mag IV is in left arm... the poor nurse last night couldn't get blood for the life of her. I woke up and blood was squirting everywhere!! She eventually got the supervisor who found a good vein in my hand. ON the positive side... I am really getting over my needle phobia!!!!

The kids are doing good. Made it safely to AZ. I talked to them last night and they kept saying "how fun Mimi's house is". I'm afraid they may never want to come home. My mom goes back to work tomorrow. The preschool she works at, is allowing Keller and Saylor to both go while my mom works. I'm just so amazed at the kindness people are showing towards us at this point. I do not even know the owner of the preschool, but she is going out of her way to help us in time of need.

The nurse I had yesterday works tomorrow as well and put in a request to be my nurse. I pray it works out, because the nurses make ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the world!!!!! If it works out.... I'll be getting my hair washed... she is known to be quite talented in doing occupied bed hair washings!! It's the little things that make my day now:)

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