Saturday, January 3, 2009

The right place at the right time!

If there was ONE thing I needed most for the twins arrival home, I would've said "a pack and play with bassinet!" If I have a C-section, I'll be sleeping downstairs and they will be with me. I've been looking around at some different ones, and came across the one I wanted. (the one pictured but in blue/brown). I knew it was expensive (close to $200) so I've been keeping my eye on craigslist and ebay. Well today I was at Toysrus killing time waiting for Kingsley (and letting the kids covet), and I look over and see the bassinet I wanted on display, but it was in pink/brown. I went over to check out the features and just loved it. It's exactly what I wanted and more.... except the price! I looked down at the sku and it said $7.90! Well of course I knew it was a mistake and almost walked away... but then thought "hmmm, what if???" So I stopped at the desk and asked the lady working there what the deal was. She simply said "We've marked down our displays to make more room for inventory". SO I asked again to make sure my pregnant brain wasn't missing something. She laughed and said, "Yes, it is indeed $7.90". I almost died. I knew it was just me being at the right place at the right time. I immediately thanked God for putting me there at that moment... I know it wasn't a mistake that I stumbled across it. I guess we'll tithe twice as much tomorrow:)

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