Monday, January 19, 2009

IN LABOR... Day 1 in hospital

well I figured I had time to update blog since I am sitting in triage in full labor! I came in for a dr. Appt since ive been contracting and vomitting this morning! As I was sitting in dr waiting room the contractions seemed more painful and regular. Kingsley and I walked over to triage where they hooked me up to 3 different machines! My blood pressure was very good... 102/51! Bad part is that contractions were/are 2 minutes apart... Way too close so they just gave me a shot of terblatine to stop labor! I am waiting for dr to come in and check cervix... Then I will get another shot! Babies both really active. Her hb is 155 and his is 140-145. I'll keep blog posted.... There was mention of giving me another gigantic shot in the tush to boost babies lungs! I have anxiety over the thought of that!
Nurse came in and contractions after shot are 6-7 min apart!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm praying! Love you girl.