Wednesday, January 21, 2009

day 3

well today has been quite an adventure so far! I had my first ever sponge bath! It was quite awkward and humbling to say the least! And it didn't help to have 2 young beautiful nurses!!
Let's see... Update: I was able to sleep 4-5 hours with a forced sleeping pill. I did wake up every hour due to 30 min checks for fluid around lungs... Drawing blood finding babies hb etc! It. Last night one of my closest friends stopped by with her 2 girls and of was such a treat! Took my mind off watching the clock...Got to laugh and be entertained by the kids! Then kingsley cancelled his night clients to come sit with me which meant so much! We had a mini date (with many interruptions)... He rented a movie and brought me a protein shake (liquids only diet). It was nice having him here and go through this process as a team! And of coarse all the nurses loved him! Keep telling me that I found a good one! I'd have to agree!

Medical stuff: I am still on highest level of magnesium sulfate drip 3.0/ hour and it does seem to be working ( or maybe it's everyone praying)! My contractions last night were 17-19 min apart and today at noon they have been 30 min apart! My dr doesn't want to check cervix bc it is soft and could really start active labor! The magnesium accumalating in my body is at a high but safe level... 6.1!!!!! It was 4... Then 5.5 then 6.1....6.2....6.1 again! If it gets between 7-8 they gave no choice but to decrease my mag drip for my own safety! That will be the true test on whether my body is dependent on mag drip to keep contractions minimal or if my body has adjusted and can maintain little contractions without help from drip! So things are good for now! Babies are active with good hb... The drip hasn't effected them much! The catheter is still in issue but they can't make it any more comfortable because our little girl likes to push on it with her head! Her first toy!!!
I am beyond blessed to have my mother here to take care of Keller and saylor ( and Kingsley) ! Kids adore her and Kingsley mentioned he's never seen our house so CLEAN!!! LOL... she is truly an amazing help and HUGE blessing to us at this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you cuz! Feel in the know now... and will keep praying! Names picked out yet??