Monday, January 12, 2009

Big Scare...

Well I think yesterday scared me enough into bed rest for the next 4 weeks. We got up early and had family breakfast (family meals seem to be unusual in our household ... sad I know, but it was a special treat), then headed to church. After that we ran a few errands and went out to a late lunch. During lunch I had a few contractions that I just chalked up as braxton hicks (pre-mature labor contractions... body getting ready for the real thing). Towards the end of lunch I had 2 really painful contractions... one's I had to do lamaze breathing through! BUT.... they were only 16 minutes apart, so no worries. We then headed to the mall (I stayed in the car). In the car I had a few more contractions that were hurting... but again, about 20 min apart. I called Kingsley and he came out and we headed home. I was kind of prepared to head down to labor and delivery at that point. I know they weren't close, but they were not BH contractions and I was afraid of labor happening quickly. I texted another pregnant friend of mine who encouraged me just to drink water and lay on my left side. That is EXACTLY what I did ALL NIGHT LONG. After we got home, I laid down and everything went away. I think I just over did it yesterday with a lot of running around (and not wise in heels!). I realize now that the Dr. was right in encouraging me to stay off my feet, so that is what I will be doing. My house may be a mess (kids as well), but it's only a few weeks.....

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