Saturday, January 31, 2009

day 13

I have a wonderful nurse today which really makes a world of difference!!!! The night nurse woke me up every single hour to find the twins heartbeats! I was so dead tired and frustrated! My nurse today is just wonderful!!! My contractions seem minimal today which is good! If I'm not dialated (dr will check me tonight) and contractions are low there is a small possibility of being discharged!!! I'm surely not getting hopes up... But sure would be nice to wear clothes again and be off all monitors!!! Today I'll get to take my first real shower (by myself)... Something I never thought I'd be this excited over!!!!
Another good thing is I believe I've saved (nurses...ultimately God) the twins over a month of nicu time. If it's true that every day in my belly saves then 2-3 days in nicu then in 13 days we've saved them 26-39 days!!! For that I'm very thankful!!!