Friday, January 23, 2009

day 5

Waking up today was hard because I thought "no no no I can't still be here... Not another day of this".. But here I am! God provided what I needed at that moment... The newborn baby cried from next door! It brought tears to my eyes and I thought "ok I can do this one more day"!
I had no contractions all night but the oral terblatine speeds up the heart and kept me awake most of the night! I awoke this morning and had my catheter leaking... Or so I thought! My nurse checked it with the nitro strips and it turned bright blue (which usually means amniotic fluid!) she called the dr right away... After surgery he came up and did an ultrasound. There appears to be plenty of fluid around both babies... He did an internal with nitro stick and it came back yellow... No fluid!!! Answer to prayer! It could be the position of babies heads pushing down on the catheter causing it to leak! Who knows? All I can say is that the spongebaths were wonderful when compared to laying in your own urine constantly!!!! LOL!!! The nurses are great... But reality is I'll have to deal with it!!! After seeing all is well and contractions were down he lowered my mag drop from 3.0 to 2.75! Not much but I'll take it!!! Please pray contractions don't start up again!
That is the news of the day! My incredibly wonderful mother has been so busy keeping house and caring fir Keller and saylor! She never ceases to amaze me and has such a caring and helpful spirit! I can't imagine what I'd do without her right now!!!
I am looking forward to lunch! I have a whole new appreciation and compassion for people in the hospital tied down.... Maybe it'll be my ministry once I get out of here!


Anonymous said...

Andrea, you are doing an amazing job! It seems like this will last forever but when you look back and hold those two sweet babies in your arms, it will be so worth EVERYTHING you are currently going through. Know that prayers are going up for you in Tulsa. (Springdale, AR too as we are traveling for competitive volleyball with Natalie) We love you,
A. Jennifer

Unknown said...

You are doing so good with your updates girl.

Thank you! I think about you all day (and am praying for everyone involved)!

You are my hero :)

LYW said...

Hey Andrea. Does the magnesium make you hot? I remember it made me so hot. I had the air in the room pumping and people were wrapped in blankets they were so cold. Hang in there!!!

LYW said...

Group 1 Bruins - - is me Lori White!!

Andrea said...

thanks for your prayers a. jennifer. i'm so blessed with family like you. i appreciate your care and concern. babies are still in there baking... praise the lord.