Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leaving for the Hospital

Here are a few pictures my mom took before I left for the hospital. I figured I'd be back that night, but she had a gut feeling I would be in for the long haul.... why is it that mom's are always right????? Anyway, I was having a contraction in one picture.... then needed some help getting up in another. I look at the pictures and think "what I'd do to be sitting on that couch again"... someday...

My mom just stopped in with the kids and it brightened my day. To hear them fight over my jello was music to my ears. My always helpful mother got my computer all hooked up so I don't have to use my cell to get on the blog and online. It was so good to see the kids. I miss them so very much. Both were apprehensive but intrigued by all the medical equipment. I explained every tube, needle, monitor, catheter, etc.... I may have little Dr.'s on my hands:) I'm glad they weren't too scared to hug and kiss on me. I think Kingsley is more scared to kiss on me at this point:)

Thanks again to everyone who is remembering us in their prayers. I know everyone has trials in their lives and this trial is so minimal to others, but I thank you for you support and prayers. God has been so good to us, and we are blessed beyond measure.

8 comments: said...

You are unbelievably brave and I am totally inspired by you!! :)

p.s. What hospital are you in??

Erin S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin S said...

SO removed the post because I can't spell...

Thanks for the updates! Still praying for you and the babies... and the rest of the fam too.

And you are NOT supposed to look that beautiful when you are in labor!

Andrea said...

lol.. i didn't delete you erin! not sure what happened!

thanks for all the comments.... you all have been keeping me sane!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I check your blog like twelve times a day. It's a nail biter! I am praying for you all the time hoping that you can keep those twins in just a little longer. I'm sure it feels like an eternity! Being in the hospital is no fun, so get lots of good magazines and try to enjoy being off your feet and being waited on. Pretty soon you'll be running around like a mad woman! With God all things are possible.
Love you!

Erin S said...

Andrea, I removed the post because I cannot spell. I like to appear as if I have at least retained some of my former intelligence!

If you get a chance, email me on FB which hospital you are in. As I am assuming you are there for the duration... Sorry about that! But someday this will be an epic story of how much you love those babies!! "Look what Mommy went through because she loves you so much!"

Hang in there!

Karla Grimm said...

Kiwi! I SO wish I could be there to make you laugh and take your mind off of things. If anyone is strong and determined, it's YOU.....and with God's strength on top of that, you will get through this with lots of memories and stories to tell those cute little babies for years! .....First toy a catheter.....I love it! :)

I want to know which hospital you are in too. Oh...and, can I have a drink of your water that's sitting there??? :)

Love you my best friend!

Anonymous said...


God must know you need lots of rest and quiet before these babies arrive. While I'm sure this is not the way you would have arranged these days take time to sleep, read and just enjoy having a few minutes of silence.

Praying for you and your four little ones! Glad your Mom can be there to help out. There is nothing like having your Mom around when you're not feeling well. Love to you and your family. Holly