Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 2 in hospital update

first of all... Thank goodness for technology! It has kept me sane in the last 24 hours!!!

So Sunday night Kingsley and I head out on a date... I had a major migraine and swelling! I woke up Monday feeling feverish and nauseated! I ate a piece of toast but vomitted most of the morning! I had dr appt ties morning but decided to call him anyway! He said to cone in today (Monday) instead of Tuesday. Kingsley and I head down to the hospital. I started feeling contractions on the way down! We got here at 3:00 but waited 90 min! By that time contractions were every 5 min! They were hurting so we told front desk lady we were heading over to labor and delivery! We get signed into triage and they monitored me and contractions were every 3 min! Dr immediately odered a shot of tribulatine (sp?) to stop labor... But it didn't work so they administered another shot... Still didn't work. Dr came in to check me and I was 50% effaced and 2 cm dialated. He wanted to admit me and start a magnesium sulfate drip right away! At 9pm we started with 2.0 mg an hour but contractions were 6 min apart... So at 2am they upped I'd to 2.5...but still only held contractions to 8 min apart! 3.0mg hour is highest dr wants to go since I'd can make me extremely toxic! I am on 3 now with contractions 12 min apart! The mag drip relaxes every muscle in body and makes toy nauseated and feverish! It has started to lower my blood pressure as well (80/41) the babies heart rates are dripping as well. They had to insert a catheter 4 times) to regulate urine output from drip! That hurt worse than almost anything I've ever experienced! It's still not in right and is an unbearable pain! They come in every two hours to drawblood to check magnesium in my system... 6 is limit and my last result was 5.5. The dr also came in this morning to discuss dangers to babies and me. If born now they will be in nicu fir 6 weeks with iv and feeding tubes! He then ordered 2 steroid shots of beta methazone to boost their lungs by a week. It hurt bad but not nearly what the catheter pain is like ( like kidney stones nonstop). I'll get two more of those shots tomorrow! I am on liquids only due to nausea from mag drip! The nurse comes in every 30 min to check fluid around my lungs and reflexes! This has been quite an ordeal! Thank you to everyone who has supported, prayed for and encouraged me. This is a very difficult time physically, mentally and emitionally.


Joyful said...

Andrea Joel and I will be praying for you. Know that my friend Kelley had her son Judah at only 25 weeks along and he is perfectly normal now. He was in the NICU for 12 weeks! God is in control and He will protect you and the little ones.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Andrea! I went into labor this past year at 24 weeks when the baby was 1 1/2 pounds. Did the steroids and tocolytics for weeks and weeks. God was so good to us, though because the baby made it to 6 pounds and was breathing well at birth. I will pray for you and the babies. God loves you all and will hold you close.

Unknown said...


love you guys.


Anonymous said...

Andrea -

Went through some preterm labor this summer at 28 weeks. It was a frightening time but God held us and pulled us through. I just looked up some verses and thoughts I had journaled that first night and wanted to encourage you with them..."The Bible speaks countless truths and promises which demand no less than trust and provide certainty in Him amongst the most uncertain situations. Our humanity embraces fear and waltzes with anxiety – but my soul craves peace and rest and confidence which God freely gives. He gives us a peace that “transcends all understanding.” It PROTECTS our fragile hearts and our wandering minds” in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7)

I am thankful – thankful that there is no better place to be than the “everlasting arms of my eternal God.” Deut. 33:27

“I am determined and confident! I am not afraid or discouraged, for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go.” Joshua 1:9 (GNT)
He protects me – He keeps me from being lonely or feeling fearful. He is a mighty God.

“God guards me (and our baby), keeps me in perfect and constant peace because my mind (both its inclination and character) is stayed on Him, because I commit myself to Him, lean on Him, and hope confidently in Him.” Isaiah 26:3

“I set my mind and keep it set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things (the worries, what we cannot control) that are on this earth.” Colossians 3:2
Don’t focus on the what ifs and all of the possible bad things that can happen. Focus on God’s love and mercy and grace – His sovereignty and omnipotence.

“In Christ I have (perfect) peace and confidence. In the world I have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but I can be of good cheer (take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted) For Christ has overcome the world. (He has deprived it of power to harm me and has conquered it for me.)” John 16:33
Christ is bigger than the worries of this world – He has conquered sickness. I can have peace in Him.

“I am assured and know that all things work together and are (fitting in to a plan) for good to and for me because I love God and am called according to (His) design and purpose.” Romans 8:28
I can be confident in God’s ultimate good plan for me – He is working towards a purpose and I need to trust Him.

“God’s gracious favor is all I need. His power works best in my weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)
Let Him be powerful through me. I don’t need everything to be okay by the world’s standards. All I need is God’s grace.

“I am learning how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am in.” Phil. 4:11
Contentment and peace go hand in hand.

“I am rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined.” I Peter 5:9
If I memorize this verse and repeat it enough, maybe I will start to feel this way.

Praying for you and those babies!

Anne Marie Beschta Weakley

Andrea said...

wow!!! Thanks to all of you... Your words, stories and encouragnent have helped me more today than you know! I appreciate each one of you! Thank you for caring about me and my little ones!