Saturday, January 31, 2009

I AM HOME!!!!!

WOW... I can't believe it. I'm still in shock. The Dr. came in to my room around 3pm and checked my cervix... still 1-2 CM dialated (which is what I was when I checked in almost 2 weeks ago) and 50% effaced. Because I'm not feeling contractions, nor has there been a change in my cervix (thanks to many prayers) he gave the go ahead to discharge me! The nurses were shocked, because he is known as the most conservative Dr. and doesn't ever let ANYONE go... especially given the fact that I have twins!!! I cried immediately and my nurse just hugged me (did I mention how special she was/is?) I of coarse called Kingsley (and my mom) immediately.... Kingsley was in class and was there by 5:15. It gave me time to shower and say my good bye's to everyone! The nurse gave me a mini tour of the O.R. where I will deliver (a little scarier than the nice hotel delivery rooms). It's very sterile and white and COLD. We then went up to NICU to see where the babies would've been 2 weeks ago (or could still go if I deliver)... It was amazing to see how tiny the babies were. We saw one little guy who was born at 1.2 lbs. and is now 3.8! He was so tiny!!!

So the car ride was rough because my uterus hasn't had that much action in quite awhile. We celebrated with OUTBACK steakhouse and now I'm sitting on the couch I've dreamt of for days!!! It's hard seeing the kids toys, and shoes, etc... I miss hearing their sweet voices, but I know this is only temporary!!!

In an earlier post, I wrote if they wanted me on bedrest, they'd have to hospitalize me... LOL... that is exactly what I needed to SLOW down. I will follow Dr. instructions EXACTLY!!!!

Thank you for all your prayers, you have NO idea how much it has meant to me.


Jasmine said...

I bet that was the best Outback visit ever! Take it easy now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Congrats on being released!!!! I am praying that the rest of you time will be smoothly. Our God is and awesome God!!!!

Anonymous said...

WAHOOOOOO!!!! So happy for you! Enjoy the peace and comfort of home! Love you, Beth

Erin S said...

I am so happy for you! Your own shower and clean hair every day... It is all the small things...

I will still be praying for you and the little ones. Try and enjoy the silence and rest. Very soon you will have those little ones to take care of! said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

Alright girl, you have your orders!!!

Glad you are obeying now !!!

Love you guys,

Andrea said...

Thanks to ALL of you for commenting and for caring. I'm not used to having such an outpour of love!!! I appreciate you all so much!!! I've never enjoyed sleeping on the couch so much!!!!